INTEFAB provides centralized fabrication solutions and enhanced clinical care products to the orthotic, prosthetic and podiatry industry in Southern Africa. We have partnered with leaders in product design and manufacturing that are proven to be the benchmark of the industry. These partnerships enable the provision of conservative bespoke leather, thermoplastic, cutting edge carbon graphite and the latest 3D printing manufacturing technology. This ensures we offer innovatively prefabricated, semi-custom and custom orthotic prosthetic solutions to our customers.
Our goal is to support the industry and enable more efficient manufacturing and patient care platforms. We have carefully selected products and services that are clinically researched, disruptive and new to the market. A strong emphasis has been made to help develop and promote reimbursement possibilities for the CPO professional.
INTEFAB is a central point of contact for the provider that wants to improve his existing clinical care and manufacturing platform, or to the provider that sees the benefit of complete outsourcing.
Meet the team
Charl Stenger – Founder and Clinical Specialist
Charl is a South African orthotist and prosthetist that like so many of his dual-qualified colleagues, could not decide which of the two disciplines he enjoyed most. Still battling this conundrum, he is passionate about all aspects from foot biomechanics to cranial correction, from lower to upper limb prosthetics, and everything else in between a clinical setting might present.
He has been working in both government and private health care in the Middle East for the last fifteen years and had the fortunate to commission two full scope orthotic prosthetic facilities. In this time he travelled throughout the GCC providing consultation and private Orthotic & Prosthetic services and never missed an opportunity to travel and collaborate internationally.
Charl has a keen interest in active rehabilitation and is drawn to a true holistic approach that often epitomizes orthotic prosthetic care. He sees the biggest advance in orthotic prosthetic care being not only the improved communication pathways between discipline, but as importantly, collaboration with partners that offer specialized manufacturing capabilities.

Lelani Groot – Co-Owner
Lelani needs little introduction, her illustrious reputation in the orthotic and prosthetic industry speaks for itself. After obtaining degrees in Education and Psychology she was drawn to medical sales and did a short stint for the pharma industry. The charisma and dynamics of the orthotic and prosthetic market is what proved to be her ultimate weakness. She thrived balancing the needs of a demanding customer base, whilst first-hand seeing the heart-warmingly amazing outcomes they achieve in patient care.
After three forging years working for a local South African assistive device manufacturer Lelani moved to a more corporate environment. Since this time she has held senior positions at some of the largest industry leading manufacturers. In addition to the managerial experience gained, the mentorship and training from key opinion leaders steered her aspiration to branch off on her own.
Lelani is passionate about exceptional customer service. She is driven to expand the customer care model beyond the defines of tangible product sales. She jumped at the opportunity to co found INTEFAB and understood this would be the perfect vehicle to help expand this customer care model she has envisioned. Her goal is to help private practice owners create new and innovative revenue streams whilst expanding their patient care model. Lelani is energized and excited at this new direction she has taken, and diligently re-establishing this new role at INTEFAB and the Southern African healthcare market

Get in touch
Charl Stenger (Dubai): +971 50 960 5733
Lelani Groot (South Africa): +27 72 628 1060
Email: lelanigroot@intefab.com